The Relationship Centre

radical acceptance

How to Practice Radical Acceptance and Improve Your Well-being

You know what they say, sometimes you can’t solve certain problems? Don’t worry, you still have options.
In fact, you have exactly four options. You can:
  • Solve the problem anyway,
  • Change your perception of it,
  • Radically accept the situation, or
  • Choose to stay miserable.
When you feel pushed into a corner, it can be difficult to figure out how to react. Believe it or not, radical acceptance is most often the best option for your well-being.
When you accept the present moment without trying to change it, that’s radical acceptance. Instead of fighting reality, you embrace it, let go of bitterness, and move forward with renewed emotional energy.
Radical acceptance is saying YES to life as it is — Which opens yourself up to new possibilities and experiences.
Refusing to accept reality can leave you stuck and frustrated. You might find yourself thinking things like “this isn’t fair” or “why me?” Accepting reality doesn’t mean you have to like it — it means you acknowledge it and decide to move forward.
I know it can be hard to accept all the changes and challenges that life has thrown our way lately. Yet if you try to resist or avoid your emotions, you’ll only add more suffering to your pain.
The good news is that acceptance is a skill you can develop with practice. Here’s how…

How to Practice Radical Acceptance

There are 4 aspects to Radical Acceptance. Before we go into detail, let’s overview each individually and go from there. 

First, you need to notice when you’re fighting reality. This means being aware of when you’re resisting what’s happening in your life.

Next, turn your mind towards acceptance. Instead of fighting reality, try to accept it as it is. This can help you feel more at peace and less stressed or anxious.

Your body can also help you with acceptance. When you’re resisting something, your body can become tense. But by letting your muscles go and focusing on your breath, you can start to feel more relaxed and accepting.

Lastly, even if you can’t radically accept something right away, try acting as if you have. This can help shift your mindset and behavior towards acceptance.

Notice when you fight reality.

Have you ever felt like you’re fighting against reality? It’s okay, we all have at some point. Yet it’s important to recognize when it’s happening so that you can make positive changes in your life.
Here are some clues that you might be fighting reality:
  • You feel bitter or resentful towards a certain situation or person.
  • You believe that your life shouldn’t be the way it is and that things should be different.
  • You think that if “X” would change, then you would finally be happy.
  • You feel unhappy or frustrated with life.
If any of these sound familiar to you, it’s time to take a step back and notice what’s happening. Remember, fighting against reality only leads to more suffering and unhappiness.
Instead, try accepting the present moment for what it is. Let go of bitterness and resentment, and focus on the positive things in your life. You might notice how much happier and more content you feel.
And always remember that there’s a silver lining to every situation. Even in the most difficult of times, there are still things to be grateful for.
What do you do if you catch yourself fighting against reality? Take a deep breath, remind yourself that it’s okay to let go, and accept things as they are. Keep your head
up, stay positive, and keep moving forward. You’ve got this!

Turn your mind towards acceptance.

Acceptance means seeing reality without judging or resisting it.
It can help you manage stress, reduce anxiety, and become even more resilient. 
To cultivate acceptance, try this… 
  • Become aware of your thoughts and feelings without judging them.
  • Learn to understand and manage your emotions even better.
  • Face tough situations with curiosity and openness.
  • Reframe negative thoughts.
  • Find meaning in tough times.
  • Cultivate gratitude.

By practicing acceptance, you can become even more self-aware, compassionate, and resilient in any situation.

Use your body to help you.

Did you know that your body can help you with acceptance?

Here’s what I mean…

When you resist reality, your body can become tense. You might notice that your shoulders, face, or stomach muscles are tight. And when your muscles are tight, it’s harder to relax and accept what’s happening.

That’s why it’s important to let your muscles go. Take a few deep breaths and slowly release the tension from your muscles. With each breath, imagine the tension melting away. Keep doing this for a few minutes and notice how your body starts to feel more relaxed.

By using your body to help you with acceptance, you can cultivate a sense of calm and peacefulness. The next time you’re feeling stressed or anxious, try focusing on your muscles. It might surprise you when you notice how it can help you let go and accept what’s happening.

Act as if.

If you’re having a hard time, or you are not able to radically accept something — Then what?

Here’s what I do…

I try to act as if I’ve already accepted it. I know it might seem weird, here’s how it works…

Ask yourself, “If I did accept this, what would I do differently? How might I feel?”

When you act as if you’ve accepted something, you can start to change your mindset and behavior. You might find that when you act as if you’ve accepted something, you start to feel more accepting of it. You might even feel more at peace with the situation and less stressed or anxious.

Remember, acceptance takes time and effort.

It’s not always easy. Yet when you practice acceptance, you can cultivate a greater sense of peace and well-being. And even if you’re not able to radically accept something right away, that’s alright.

When you act as if you have, it can shift your mindset and help you feel more accepting over time.

Here’s what to do next

If you’re here now, and you’re reading until the end, it’s obvious that you can see how powerful Radical Acceptance can be. It’s a skill that takes time and effort to master. 

When you practice your new skill, over time you can cultivate a greater sense of peace and well-being. If you would like to dive deeper, our team of therapists is here to serve. Scheduling an in-person or virtual session is easy. Click here to book a call with your Care Specialist now >>